Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Haven't we seen you before?

Blackwater, USA was a so-called private military company working for the U.S. government in Iraq . By definition a "private military" is a mercenary force, of which the employment by any nation is a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Unfortunately, a simple change of terminology is apparently enough to bypass the law. This worked for several years, where they operated in Iraq, in violation of the Geneva convention and international law. They were generously financed with taxpayer funds, and were subject to almost zero oversight on how they spent it.

Finally they were kicked out of Iraq; but only after scores of civilian deaths and tales of murder, extortion, slavery, and child prostitution put them in the spotlight. What did they do? Change their name to "Xe", and head right back over to Iraq. Again, financed by the U.S. government. Fool me twice?

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